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Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager


Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
Lagerstatus: 1-10
med vaniljeis
Lagerstatus: 1 bekreftet 21.apr.2015
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
The Harp is our most reliable approach disc. Designed to withstand and type of conditions. It will hold in the wind. In our BT Soft plastic the Harp is very flexible and feels great in your hand. Use the soft in cold weather and it will still have that soft feel. Use the BT stiff in the summer and it will still hold its shape. For professional players this could be there only approach disc they will need to carry as it can hold anyone's arm speed and still hyzer. For slower arms it will be your most over stable approach disc. Westside Harp is a PDGA approved disc.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
The Sorcerer is our answer for a high speed disc for all skill levels. With a smaller grip than most high speed discs the Sorcerer leaves the hand fast. For professional players it is great for long anhyzers that actually come back when it runs out of speed. The Sorcerer provides a nice long “S” curve line. For lower arm speeds the Sorcerer will actually get flat and glide before diving to the left. Many drivers designed for slower arm speeds have poor flight integrity. The sorcerer will give you that “pro throw” you have been looking for on the course.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
The Buzzz™ is a straight flying workhorse that you will reach for again and again, and has quickly become one of the most popular discs of all time. Throw it hard and Buzzz™ will hold any line you put it on.
Lagerstatus: 1-10
If you own only one disc, this could be it. The legendary Comet™ is a super accurate, straight flying approach disc. Holds whatever line you throw it on. The Comet™ was crucial to Ron Russell's Pro Worlds victory, and has been called the best golf disc ever.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
The Avenger SS is a maximum distance driver for the rest of us, combining long glide, ease of control, and durable Z plastic. Throw it hard and flat for a slight fade to the right, then watch the Avenger SS keep on gliding through a smooth, gentle finish. Try one, and you'll be hooked.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
The Buzzz™ is a straight flying workhorse that you will reach for again and again, and has quickly become one of the most popular discs of all time. Throw it hard and Buzzz™ will hold any line you put it on.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
The Buzzz™ is a straight flying workhorse that you will reach for again and again, and has quickly become one of the most popular discs of all time. Throw it hard and Buzzz™ will hold any line you put it on.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
Super fast! Crank hits the sweet spot: it's the best disc a player can find for easier accuracy and big distance. Controllable for ams and pros alike, Crank has a narrower rim than other big drivers, so it fits more comfortably in your hand too.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
Overstable Distance Driver which works well into a headwind. Best Choice for: Headwinds, power players, big hyzers, flex shots, stable sidearm shots. About the Firebird: The Firebird is our most popular upwind distance driver. The Firebird’s combination of superior speed and stability make it possible to throw drives into the wind with confidence. An excellent disc for throwing long range flex shots. A favorite of sidearm and overhead throwers, too. This disc is designed for professional level players.
Lagerstatus: 1-10
Overstable Distance Driver which works well into a headwind. Best Choice for: Headwinds, power players, big hyzers, flex shots, stable sidearm shots. About the Firebird: The Firebird is our most popular upwind distance driver. The Firebird’s combination of superior speed and stability make it possible to throw drives into the wind with confidence. An excellent disc for throwing long range flex shots. A favorite of sidearm and overhead throwers, too. This disc is designed for professional level players.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
The VRoc is a well-mannered cousin to the San Marino Roc. It is a straight flyer that can handle power and also works well for touch shots. VTech gives the VRoc a more neutral flight regardless of your throwing power. This disc is designed for players of all skill levels.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
The Boss is a fast long-range distance driver with stability. Designed for maximum distance off the tee. Great disc choice for sidearm or backhand throwers. Best Choice for: Power players. Sidearm throwers. Fast, long distance off the tee. About the Boss The Boss is our first Speed 13 Distance Driver. This is a fast stable driver that can handle full power throws and moderate headwinds. Advanced players and sidearm throwers will appreciate the dependable stability. The Boss has a slight high speed turn to help maximize distance with a predictable fade. Not recommended for players who throw less than 300 feet.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
The Destroyer is a fast, stable power driver with significant glide. Great disc for sidearm throwers and those with lots of power. Best Choice for: Maximum Distance, long hyzers, headwind drives, intermediate to advanced players looking for a stable, wind fighting distance disc. About the Destroyer: The Destroyer is a very fast stable long distance driver. This disc is much like a faster Wraith, but with a little more high and low speed stability. Great disc for sidearm throwers and those with lots of power. Can handle headwinds and throws with off axis torque. Not suggested for beginning players.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
The Destroyer is a fast, stable power driver with significant glide. Great disc for sidearm throwers and those with lots of power. Best Choice for: Maximum Distance, long hyzers, headwind drives, intermediate to advanced players looking for a stable, wind fighting distance disc. About the Destroyer: The Destroyer is a very fast stable long distance driver. This disc is much like a faster Wraith, but with a little more high and low speed stability. Great disc for sidearm throwers and those with lots of power. Can handle headwinds and throws with off axis torque. Not suggested for beginning players.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
The Star Starfire is a fast, dependable disc that is great into headwinds and has a long straight flight. A good amount of fade at the end of the flight allows this disc to work well for big S-shots and horking hyzers.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
Reliable and straight flying professional midrange driver.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
The World is our fastest high speed driver. Designed as a distance driver the World gets there fast and flies great close to the ground. It has a low profile and a great feel. For professional players it is the fastest disc on the market that holds a hyzer line for anyone. For lower speed arms the World will be the disc in your bag that is over stable and fast in all conditions. You can count on the World to get you further down the fairway right away. The World comes in VIP and Tournament plastics. Westside World is a PDGA approved disc.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
New breathable, mesh construction and flexible rim. One size fits most.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
6-Panel, mid-profile, Permacurv PE visor with self-colored under-visor. Material 97% polyester / 3% spandex
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
Lys gul farge med et sommerlig grønnskjær. Deilig duft av epler og sitrus
Lagerstatus: 1-10
Denne graveren kan overraske de fleste! Den kan håndtere de fleste laster og kan grave dype hull med den kraftige armen. Styr den roterende førerhytten slik at du kan arbeide fra alle slags vinkler, og åpne motorrommene for å utføre viktige reparasjoner. Du kan til og med bygge den om til en hjullaster eller frontlaster
Lagerstatus: 1 ubekreftet 13.mai.2015
6860 The Batcave is a DC Universe Super Heroes set officially released on January 1, 2012. It consists of a large model of the Batcave which has 690 pieces. And it is the second set that based off this location, the first being 7783 The Batcave: The Penguin and Mr. Freeze's Invasion.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
Ta til luften med den røde ildsprutende dragen. Denne flotte 3-i-1-modellen har et klassiske rødt og svart fargespekter, store beveg elige vinger, lang skjelldekket hale, ildpust, horn, lange klør og irrgrønne øyne. Tramp deg vei gjennom skogen, eller fly høyt over digre fjell! Når du er ferdig med dine eventyrlige krumspring, kan du bygge om dragen til en skummel slange eller en seksbent skorpion.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
Rutete skjorte fra LEE. Lukkes med knapper på framsiden og nederst på ermene. To brystlommer med lommeklaff og knapp. Dekorative partier med paljetter på ermene. Opti 165 Distance er linen for lang kast. Den lange klumpen og justerte taperingen gir en fin balanse mellom delikat presentasjon og svært lang rekkevidde. Denne linen ble utviklet for situasjoner der avstanden er avgjørende for å lykkes. Hodelengde er 16.5m. ARTIKKEL NO. LINE DENSITY HEAD TOTAL KLUMP VEKT 165WF5F WF5 Float 16.5m 33.5m 16g 165WF6F WF6 Float 16.5m 33.5m 18g 165WF7F WF7 Float 16.5m 33.5m 20g 165WF8F WF8 Float 16.5m 33.5m 22g
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
Åpne en verden av eventyr med det flotte 3-i-1-settet Leke- og matvarebutikk. Selg frisk frukt og deilige grønnsaker, morgenavisen e ller herlige drikkevarer i matvarebutikken din, eller besøk lekebutikken ved siden av, hvor de selger en kul lekerobot! Ta en titt utenfor, kjøp et deilig rødt eple eller test ut den fargerike tyggegummimaskinen! Denne hyggelige matvarebutikken kan brettes ut, slik at man får tilgang til interiøret eller kan lage en fargerik hovedgate med to butikker – en leketøybutikk og en matvarebutikk, hver med sitt eget unike butikkskilt. Balkongen på Leke- og matvarebutikksettet kan gjøres om til en smart bro, som forbinder to koselige leiligheter i første etasje. Forleng hovedgaten med dine egne LEGO® modeller! Hva slags butikk vil du bygge nå? Settet kan også bygges om til et postkontor eller en aviskiosk – 3-i-1!
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
Twinblade er et revolusjonært luftfartøy! Spinn rotorbladene, og ta av på samme måte som et helikopter. Deretter roterer du motorene 90 grader og flyr forover på samme måte som med et vanlig fly. De doble halefinnene sikrer en jevn flytur. Med sin røde og hvite farge og detaljer på eksosanlegget, er Twinblade lett å oppdage på himmelen. Når du er tilbake på bakken, kan du bruke rampen for å få tilgang til lasterommet. Og ønsker du en ny utfordring, kan du bygge det om til et gammeldags biplanfly eller til et raskt helikopter.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
Denne realistiske folkevognbussen er en kopi av den klassiske Volkswagen Camper Van fra 1962. Den har alle de tidstypiske detaljene man forventer! Utenpå omfatter det blant annet "VW"-logoen med treveis fargesplitt i front, avrundet tak og vindusrammer, delt safari-frontrute, såkalt "splittie" som kan åpnes, dører som kan åpnes, ikonisk popup-tak med stofftrekk rundt, takgrind, lufteluker bak og mye mer!
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty (Covers defects in materials and workmanship)
  • Engineered with a low center of gravity to keep your bag upright
  • On-Deck putter pocket holds 2 putters for quick and easy access
  • Molded back panel minimizes contact points and allows for cross ventilation
  • Large main disc compartment that holds 18+ discs
  • Large main storage compartment
  • Collapsible stool holster, also functions as an optional 2nd water bottle holder
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager
It has finally arrived, Latitude 64’s first backpack is ready to carry your disc golf gear around the course! Made out of sturdy nylon fabric with artificial leather details and embroidered logos, it is a thing of beauty to behold. Thanks to the unique front pocket, the bag does not tip forward as easily as other back packs, reducing the risk of having the bag tipping and spewing its contents on the ground. Another unique feature is the clever umbrella holder that enables you to carry the bag with the umbrella opened. This is perfect both for rain and very strong sunshine. It works wonders also when you have a caddie as he/she then has their hands free to wipe off discs. The bag is made to carry approximately 20 discs but can be made to carry over 30 if all compartments are used for discs.
Lagerstatus: Tomt på lager